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Accounts and User Profiles

In GeoNode many contents are public so unregistered users have read-only access to public datasets.

In order to create and edit contents on GeoNode, you need first to sign in and log in as a Registered Member.

GeoNode is primarily a social platform, thus a primary component of any GeoNode instance is the user account.

This section will guide you through account registration, updating your account information and preferences, connections with social networks and email addresses.

Register to the platform as a new Member

To take full advantage of all the GeoNode features you need an user account.

Follow these step to create a new one:

Updating the Profile

A regisetered account on GeoNode not only allows you to create and publish your own contents, but also to access private resources and collaborate with other members by editing the data and metadata of the existing ones.

Having a good metadata set associated to the datasets is something critical. Once the contents have been created into GeoNode, the platform will be able to expose them through a Metadata Catalog and allow external clients to search and explore them via different protocols.

GeoNode will use the information associated with your profile to enrich the contents metadata, thus allowing the clients to perform accurate queries against the catalog interface.

This is why it is a good practice to and strongly recommended to carefully edit your profile information as a first action.

Editing the Profile information

Notice that your personal information will be updated accordingly and shown on the profile page.

Next Section: Managing Favorite Shortcuts