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API Keys

API keys

DJAM as identity provider, uses API keys in order to manage and secure its internal functionality and the access to its clients, including a REST API for the API key management (for more information about REST API see this section ). More specifically, DJAM uses two types of keys:

  • API key with the scope: Resource
  • API key with the scope: Management

The API key with the scope Resource is used for the access to the clients' resources (e.g GeoServer) while the API Key with the scope: Management is used for the access to the DJAM REST API for the API key management.

Both types of API keys can be created using the DJAM administrator site (https://djam_domain/admin) selecting from the menu: IDENTITY PROVIDER >> API keys >> add icon.

In the Add Api Key form, the following fields have to be defined:

  • the user who is the owner of the key
  • The API key itself which is created automatically by DJAM
  • the revoked status. If an API key is set to revoked by selecting the checkbox, the API key is considered inactive
  • the expiry which is the expiration date of the key. If the key is expired cannot be used
  • the scope of the API key in which the user is able to select between the scope Resoure and Management through a dropdown menu

API keys scope selection

It's worth noting that simple users are able to create only their own keys while superusers can create API keys for all the users.