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Django Access Management, implementing OpenID Identity Provider and custom Privilege Management System

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • An SMTP email server
  • Python 3.8+ (tested in Python 3.10)
  • PostgreSQL 11.0+
  • RabbitMQ 3.8+

The environment dependencies can be installed in dockerized version, e.g for RabbitMQ:

docker run -d -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 -p 5671:5671 --hostname localhost rabbitmq:3-management


Clone git repository

git clone

Create environment configuration for Djam. Make sure DJAM_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT is set to 'local', to set DEBUG mode and not to require ALLOWED_HOSTS definitions.

To create the environment configuratino for DJAM create an .env file in the root directory: DJAM>>.env and include the confituration there. An example of the .env file is presented below:

DJAM_RABBITMQ_HOST=...  (default=localhost)
DJAM_RABBITMQ_PORT=...  (default=5672)
DJAM_DB_HOST=<DB host e.g>
DJAM_DB_PORT=...  (default=5432)
DJAM_DB_NAME=<djam db>
DJAM_DB_USER=<djam user>
DJAM_DB_PASSWORD=<db password>
APIKEY_EXPIRE_DAYS=... (The expiration timedelta of the keys in days. The default value is 30)

Afterwards, from the root folder of the DJAM repository, run the following command to prepare the environment:

set -a && . ./.env && set +

Create virtualenv in djam directory

python3 -m venv venv

Activate virtualenv, install requirements and navigate to project source dir

source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd project

Optionally run project checks, to see if everything is as expected. If any errors occur correct them before continuation.

python check

Migrate your app

python migrate

Create your app's superuser

python createsuperuser

Create your OpenID provider a pair of private - public keys

python creatersakey

Run dramatiq queue - this process should be active for the whole application lifetime

python rundramatiq

For development purposes - in a new terminal start django dev server

python runserver

From now on you can start working with your application. To add OpenID client navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin and in OPENID CONNECT PROVIDER add row to Clients table.

You can also check User registration form at http://localhost:8000/register. REMEMBER: to register the User you first need update djam/project/conf/local/ configuration file with SMTP server credentials.

API Documentation - Swagger

To create the corresponding schema.yml for the API documentation (Swagger) run the following command:

python spectacular --color --file schema.yml

Afterwards, Swagger front-end should exist in the following URL: http://localhost:8000/openid/api/schema/swagger-ui/

Side notes

  • To properly read data from Token Info endpoint the client has to have token_introspection and their ID present in the available scopes (/admin -> Clients model -> Scopes)
  • OpenId Provider defines additional scope user_id for accessing User's database ID. This feature usage should be as limited as possible, for now it is present for Allauth simple integration.
  • To integrate certain Geoserver flows: /roles, /users, and adminRole endpoint access is required. These endpoints are protected with API key, which should be passed as Authorization header in a format: apiKey {key}. Generating API key can be done in the admin page -> API KEY PERMISSIONS -> API keys -> Add

Running the tests

In the project folder simply run:


To generate a html report simply run:

coverage html

And to view something like:

firefox htmlcov/index.html

To regenerate the coverage badge, simply run this in the project folder:

coverage-badge -o ../coverage.svg


The easiest deployment strategy is to create a docker container using Dockerfile from the main project directory. Docker container sets up uWSGI server (which connects with http-socket = :8000) along with python rundramatiq command.

Remember to properly set configuration, especially DJAM_DB_HOST and DJAM_RABBITMQ_HOST when running the dockerized aplication.

  • Build docker image: docker build . -t djam
  • Start docker container: docker run -e DJAM_DB_HOST=192.168.x.x -e DJAM_RABBITMQ_HOST=192.168.x.x -p 8000:8000 djam

The container sets up a uWSGI server along with dramatiq On the start of the docker container python collectstatic and python migrate commands are performed.

Static files have to be served separately using e.g. Nginx. The static files are located in /djam/project/static container directory.

Postgres with Docker deployment

When setting up Postgresql, make sure proper permissions are set to access the database from docker. You have to check pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files.

For Postgres on the host machine:

  • pg_hba.conf -> add a row for docker0 address from ip a
  • postgresql.conf -> uncomment line and allow all, or just specific listen_addresses listen_addresses = '*'


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

Linting Setup

As a prerequisite in your virtualenv run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Running the linters

flake8 project/ bandit project/

Vscode Integration

In your settings.json:

    "python.pythonPath": "venv/bin/python",
    "python.linting.flake8Path": "venv/bin/flake8",
    "python.linting.banditPath": "venv/bin/bandit",
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
    "python.linting.banditEnabled": true,